Memorials & Tributes

Memorial gifts are a special way to honor the life of a departed friend or family member who cherished animals while helping pets in need.
We are excited to announce our Memorial Garden that we will be working on this fall. Bricks sold will be engraved and placed around the border of our garden these can be to honor loved ones, pets or yourself. Each brick will have the option of “In Honor of” or “In Memory of” or blank for line 1, line 2 name, line 3 dates. Our paw print stones we will be selling for our garden or for you to keep for yourself. These will have 2 lines, one for your pets’ name and then date.
Memorial Garden brick order form
Tribute gifts celebrate a special friend or relative by providing shelter and assistance to pets in our care.
We are grateful to each and every person who has contributed gifts to WIAR. If you would like to honor a loved one, make the designation known in your gift or online donation.
2018 Memorials
Cheryl Bragd
Geneva Halladay
Robert Halladay
Lynn McGill
Elizabeth Schrader
Patricia Parr
Brian Davies
Robert Carner
Beverly Cox
Steve Bruns
Marilyn Fowler
Sandra Decker
Bonnie Carlson
Kenneth Anderson
- Janis Wunderlich
2019 Memorials
- Janet Hull
- Patricia Kenney
- Ray Etter
- Charles Kinzer
- Stan Fowler
- Gary Higbee
- Emma Jean Carner
- Everitt Hardin
- Helen White
- Ted Cooper
- Terry Hale
- Norma Johnson
- Rolland Brentise
- Gretchen Decker
2020 Memorials
- Dan Porter
- Darlene Barman
- Sarah Briggs
- Margaret Lawrence
- Leland Hank, Sr
- Sue Parish
- Janet Nicholas
- Lanore Lane
- Marilee Moore
- Mary Baker
- Bob Perrin
- Sandra Decker
- Katie Haptonstall
- Loretta Sanders
- Charlotte Foster
- Tom Larkin
- Ray Bruyn
2021 Memorials
- Ruth Padgett
- Gary Collins
- Elizabeth White
- Holly Reynolds
- Fumiko Adam
- Beverly Coulter
- Mary Miller
- Jasie McGinnis
- Gary Higbee
- Debra Scott
- Jason Stekliz
- Janet Manbeer
- Bob Munson
- Jay Blaine
- Roger Burgland
- Jon Dauma
- Dianna Pettit
- Robert Prater, Jr
- Marilyn Talbott
- John Campbell
- Gary Trotter
- John Walters
- Byron “Bud” Wakefield
- Fern Lox
- Roy Faudree
- Amber Mitchell
2022 Memorials
- Danny Johnson
- Hannah Porter
- Randy Brown
- Bob Munson
- Ed West
- Gene Carlson
- James Martin
- Matt Copeland
- Angie Lepsch
- Kevin Lease
- Bev Kersey Ruley
- Pauline Howe
- Ken Engle
- Rick & Geri Mejia
- DJ Washburn
- James Edlen
- Jim Pettit
- Virginia Hays
- Bonnie Bellinger
- Tom Carnahan
- Pauline Kersey
- Mary Murray
- Janet McCann
- Ralph Ischer
- John Perrin
- Ann Jones
- Hacker Taylor
- Nancy Symmonds
- Joyce Barnett
- Mona Buchholz
2023 Memorials
- Marilyn C. Johnson
- James Thye
- Red Tee
- John Ockert
- Tim Prince
- Ronald Tee
- David Bowman
- Michael Hull
- Janice Ryder
- Julie Bell
- Mona Buchholz
- Sharyn Cunningham
- Dorothy Stevenson
- Tami Stellem
- Janet Brentise
- Joan David
- Bill Fry
- Wanda Peters
- Eugene Marchuk
- Shari Caldwell
- Lori Ockert
- Sue Parrish
- Cleo Dye
- Kathy Lowe-Arthur
- Mike Colbrese
- Kyle Johnson
- Lois Paulson