
Zoey is a sweet girl with some special needs. She is an 8-9 lb, 11 year old blind Shih Tzu that will snuggle with you all day long if you let her! All she wants is to feel safe and loved. Zoey is smart and gets along fine if you keep her surroundings consistent. She knows how to find her food, water, and bed within a gated area. Zoey does have kennel anxiety in small spaces, so will not do well in a traditional crate. Zoey is potty trained if taken out on a regular schedule, or will use potty pads if needed. She does need to be carried in and out, and cannot navigate stairs. She will wander if unsupervised. Because she is blind, she can startle easily and will do best in a relatively calm & quiet home. She gets along with other dogs but does not like to be approached by overly playful fur siblings. Unknown with cats or small children. Zoey will stick her tongue out at you but only because she has no front teeth! This gentle soul has been through many challenges in her lifetime, and deserves the best doggy “early retirement” home we can find for her.